Welcome to
Southern Comfort
Cattle Company, LLC

Finest Quality Charolais Cattle
Who We Are
Southern Comfort Cattle Company, LLC is family owned and operated cattle farm in Northeast Georgia. Our farming roots go back at least 4 generations and is located in Lavonia, GA in the foot hills of the Appalachian Mountains. Robert and Shala Phillips have built the cattle operation to what it is today. We chose Charolais cattle since they are known for their superior carcass quality, mainly less fat and more muscle than traditional store-bought beef.

Everything We Offer
All Natural
Hormone Free
Grass Fed
Southern Comfort Cattle Company, LLC has never used implanted growth hormones or antibiotics in our cattle. They are "grass fed" and all raised in pastures. Our pastures are a blend of native Fescue (winter) and Bermuda (summer) grasses which grow year round. We also plant rye and wheat grasses for fall and winter grazing as well supplement with free choice hay as needed. We cut, bale and store our own hay, so we know our cattle are fed right! You can rest assured that we know exactly what our cattle are eating and that their grass hay and feed are superior quality to produce you superior beef! Cattle being used for beef graze free their entire lives and do not leave our farm until processed by the butcher. Beef program cattle are given an all grain and corn feed supplement in the last 3-4 weeks which gives our beef the excellent flavor and tenderness our repeat customers have come to expect!